Collecting Org IDs for Salesforce ISVs

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The Salesforce Organization (Org) ID is the unique identifier for your Salesforce identity. As an ISV, this should automatically come into your own instance of Salesforce in the License Management App (LMA) upon your customer’s installation of your application in their environment. This is the unique identifier that is leveraged by the Channel Order App […]

Telling Your Story as an ISV Partner

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Selling like Salesforce means selling with stories. It is difficult skill to master for technical founders and reps alike who are cursed with excitement for and knowledge of their technology. Customers purchase outcomes so practice ending every feature you show with “so you can….” as it forces you into story-mode lite. As an example, if […]

Your ISV Marketing Needs to be Different for the Salesforce Ecosystem

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ISV Product Marketing for the Ecosystem <> to Product Marketing for your Customers If your messaging is the same for customers as it is for Salesforce, SIs, and other ISVs, you are doing it wrong. All of your messaging should roll up to your vision that relates to the problem your organization solves, but it […]

SDO: Salesforce SEs Demo Environment

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The SDO (Simple Demo Org) is the starting point for 10s of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of demos every year by Salesforce SEs. It is the source org from which they do a “save as” to build all their customer demo environments. Getting into it should be the goal of most ISVs, but the […]

How to Make Salesforce AE Intros

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  There are over 10,000 Salesforce AEs that work at Salesforce and they span market segments, products, and vertical focus. They are responsible for substantial quotas so let me hit you with some real talk – Do not expect them to do your prospecting for you. Period. AE awareness of your application is important when […]