
How to Register Co-sell Opportunities and Get a Microsoft Seller’s Attention 

When it comes to co-selling with Microsoft, many ISVs miss out on opportunities to reach success faster because they aren’t sure how to register co-sell deals strategically or articulate their joint value proposition to Microsoft Sellers. 

For ISVs new to co-selling, the process can feel time consuming. Building the right strategy to get a Microsoft seller’s attention can take time and effort. 

Many ISVs think they can hire an Alliance manager with a rolodex full of Microsoft contacts and reach marketplace success. But just because you hire someone with great personal relationships at Microsoft, doesn’t mean they know how to, or have a process for, growing relationships at scale when selling on Azure Marketplace

No matter how experienced you are in Microsoft, nailing the co-sell process requires precision and strategy. Take a look at our tips for registering co-sell opportunities with Microsoft and getting the attention of inside sales reps.


Tips for registering co-sell opportunities in Azure Marketplace 

If you’re registering co-sell deals with Microsoft, you should take the following into account:

  • Your deal name matters 
  • Include accurate revenue
  • Use the notes field to your advantage and articulate what you need the Microsoft seller to do
  • Share all your deals and then you’ll naturally start building network and a brand
  • Make yourself easy to work with
  • Understand and participate in Microsoft Cloud Partner Programs, show up knowledgeable and don’t expect the Microsoft seller to lead the deal 
  • Consider a newsletter once a quarter to sellers you’ve worked or networked with
  • Include win wire
  • End with an ask: Any accounts in your patch or peers who may be interested?
  • Show your value and use the specific ask 

The relationship is not quite “give and take.” It’s more a give-give-give-ask.

TIP: If you’re working with the Microsoft GTM Team, use #PartnerGTM in the marketing campaign ID section as you’re registering a deal. That heavily incentivizes them to continue co-marketing campaigns since the # is giving them credit.

How to structure your joint value prop for Microsoft sellers 

When you’re describing your joint value proposition, make it clear what’s in it for the Microsoft seller. Do not say, “We do X, Y, and Z and we are great and unique because X.”

Instead, demonstrate your understanding of the Microsoft ecosystem and show what’s in it for inside sales reps. 

You might say, “We are an Azure IP Co-Sell eligible solution. When you sell are solution you can meet your quote by cutting into your customer’s committed spend. We recently sold our solution to x. Our customers fall into this [vertical/horizontal].”

You can see who in your pipeline has a MACC by searching the company name in the New Deal section of Referrals.

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