Private Offers on Microsoft Azure Marketplace: What ISVs Need to Know

an abstract hero image for a blog post about expressing private offers on the microsoft azure marketplace

This eBook guides you through the importance and benefits of becoming transactable, the journey to being IP co-sell ready, tracking partner success, and much more. Download Imagine this: Your Azure Marketplace offer is live. You enter into a conversation with a prospect who is interested in your solution but wonders if you can do something […]

A Review of Bob Moore’s “Ecosystem-Led Growth”: Partners are the Future

abstract blog hero image for a blog post / review of Bob Moore’s Ecosystem-Led Growth: A Blueprint for Sales and Marketing Success Using the Power of Partnerships.

On a team call a few weeks ago, our CRO recommended that I check out Bob Moore’s new book, Ecosystem-Led Growth: A Blueprint for Sales and Marketing Success Using the Power of Partnerships (2024).  Despite working as an ISV marketer for 2 years (and various B2C and B2B2C startups for the past 6+), I only partnered […]

Azure Metering: The Ultimate Guide for ISVs

an abstract blog hero image for a post about micosoft azure metering for isvs

This eBook guides you through the importance and benefits of becoming transactable, the journey to being IP co-sell ready, tracking partner success, and much more. Download Once you’re listed on the Azure Marketplace, you will need to determine whether or not to include metering as part of your pricing strategy. While some applications come with […]

Hyperscalers: From Data Centers to Cloud Marketplaces

an abstract blog hero image for a post about what is a hyperscaler, the history of hyperscaler from data center to today's cloud marketplaces

The terms “hyperscale” and “hyperscaler” get thrown around a lot – and with good reason. It goes without saying that hyperscalers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud have redefined the internet and allowed SaaS businesses to create cloud solutions that are hosted off-prem. But hyperscaler didn’t always describe the internet or even cloud consumption.  Here’s […]

AWS Marketplace vs. Azure Marketplace: The Differences

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If you’re an ISV thinking about listing your solution on a hyperscaler cloud marketplace, you’re probably comparing AWS Marketplace vs. Microsoft’s Azure Marketplace.  While both marketplaces offer ISVs an opportunity to unlock new revenue streams, Azure and AWS have their differences. Here’s a look at what the two hyperscaler marketplaces have in common, as well […]

Preparing for Event Season (and Measuring your ROI)

abstract blog hero image for a post on Preparing for Event Season (and Measuring your ROI)

It’s event season, are you ready for it? How do you prepare? And what do you need in order to measure event marketing ROI?  Events are often the largest investment of the year for a marketing team, especially a small one. When you factor in the time spent strategizing, preparing, inviting and designing your presences, […]

Partner-Generated vs. Partner-Influenced Deals: The Differences

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Tracking the success of partner performance in your business is critically important as you build and grow a meaningful cloud marketplace alliance program. Your partnership strategy should involve understanding not only who to partner with, but when and how to ensure you are managing your time, energy and resources appropriately. To that end, we’re going […]

Salesforce AppExchange Security Review Guide for ISVs

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The Salesforce AppExchange Security review takes time – and is a frustrating experience for many independent software vendors (ISV). While the process can last several months, there are only two primary approvals required to list an app publicly on the AppExchange: 1) a Business plan approval from Salesforce Legal and 2) Security Review approval.  Keep […]

Co-Selling with AWS: Strategies for ISV Success

an abstract blog post about co-selling with AWS and the teams involved

With the majority of cloud marketplace traffic going through Amazon Web Services (AWS), co-selling on the AWS Marketplace can help ISVs unlock another revenue stream. But first, you will need to understand which teams are involved in co-selling with AWS.  Here’s a look at everything you need to know about building your relationship with AWS, […]