The ISV Guide to Google Cloud Marketplace

Taking advantage of the Google Cloud Marketplace selling boom

At the end of 2023, Google Cloud Marketplace (formerly GCP Marketplace) customers had $74.1 Bn in committed spends and +200% year over year growth in ISV co-sell bookings.

The time is now to cash in Google Cloud Marketplace growth! 

Getting your Google Marketplace listing and offers right can seem like “dark art” – requiring knowledge, time and expert knowledge most ISVs don’t have. Building the initial APIs, making private offers at scale, and creating a world-class go-to-market strategy for success can sound like a lot to take on. That’s why Invisory is here to help. 

Simply put, Invisory helps ISVs go to market and see results faster on cloud marketplaces. As cloud marketplaces like AWS, Azure, Salesforce and Google Cloud Marketplace emerge as the buyer channel of choice, we help ISVs prepare, list, and operationalize a GTM strategy that scales across marketplaces.

google cloud marketplace landing page

What makes Invisory different?

We believe success on Google Cloud Marketplace (and others) takes more than just listing and hoping.  Success requires a dedicated go-to-market strategy that speaks specifically to Google Cloud’s internal teams and their broad customer audience. 

Invisory’s marketplace ecosystem experts & platform guide you list, transact and co-sell across Azure, AWS, Google and Salesforce Marketplaces with a GTM strategy for lasting success. 

Maximize your Google Cloud Marketplace GTM strategy with Invisory's platform

Fast-Track Listing

Invisory’s pre-built APIs allow you to quickly launch on the Google Cloud Marketplace. List in days (instead of weeks or months) – and without tapping into your technical resources.

Enable Your Team

Partnership selling is a team sport. Build internal champions of sales, procurement, executives and more with playbooks designed for organizational selling.

Simplify Selling & Procurement

Customize private offers, streamline metering, customize billing options and reduce procurement overhead to speed up the sales and accounts receivable processes.

Stand Out

Invisory will help you stand out in a sea of apps. With our guidance, you will develop your unique value proposition & better together story, while creating a strategy to become a partner Google sellers WANT to call back.

Access Benefits

Invisory will guide you through the ‘dark art’ of marketplace incentives. Tips on accessing committed spend, moving through the partnership ranks and more.

Master Your GTM Strategy

Moving from listing to lasting success with Google Cloud requires a stellar GTM strategy. Invisory’s team of marketplace experts have created proprietary playbooks, templates and guides to success on multiple cloud marketplaces.

Contact our team today to set up an exploratory consultation call.

Still not sold on cloud marketplaces? Check out the advantages of selling on cloud marketplaces...

  • Access to committed spend

  • 42% deal acceleration

  • 32% Bigger deal size


Not to mention…

  • Faster procurement cycles 

  • Reduced administrative overhead

  • Access to Google’s growing customer base 


  • What is Google Cloud Marketplace?

    Google Cloud Marketplace, sometimes referred to as GCP Marketplace or GCM, is a cloud marketplace where ISVs can list third-party applications. Google Cloud customers can purchase these solutions using spend-based committed use discounts (CUDs) if they have leftover cloud credits to burn

  • Does Google Cloud Marketplace charge fees for their service?

    In 2021, Google lowered its cloud marketplace revenue share from 20% to 3%. Azure and AWS Marketplace also lowered their fees around the same time.

  • Wait, is it GCP Marketplace or Google Cloud Marketplace?

    Technically speaking, Google’s cloud marketplace is called, “Google Cloud Marketplace.” Internally at Google, the abbreviation being used is “GCM.” Before the Google Cloud rebrand in 2022, however, the marketplace was referred to as “GCP Marketplace,” short for “Google Cloud Platform Marketplace.” 

    Read our blog post on the topic to learn more.

  • How do you get listed on Google Cloud Marketplace?

    According to Google’s own experimental AI, this is how you get listed on Google Cloud Marketplace:

    • Join the Google Partner Advantage program: This is the central hub for ISVs looking to sell on Google Cloud Marketplace. 
    • Prepare your product: Make sure your product is compatible with GCP and meets Google's requirements. Your product must be production-ready, enterprise-ready, and free of known vulnerabilities. 
    • Register your product: In Partner Hub, start the process of becoming authorized as a Build partner. 
    • Integrate and test: Integrate your product with GCP and conduct thorough testing. 
    • Submit your product: Submit your product for Google's review. You may need to submit supporting documentation, such as architecture diagrams or business inputs. 
    • Launch: Once approved, your product will be listed on the Marketplace.


  • What is a Private Offer on Google Cloud Marketplace?

    A private offer on Google Cloud Marketplace allows ISVs to customize the pricing and terms of their solution without other prospects or customers being able to see the conditions of the deal. This is a great option for selling into larger organizations with complex metering or usage needs, or for sweetening the deal to close a major logo