The ISV Guide to AWS Marketplace

amazon webs services logo, short for AWS

AWS has over $100B in committed spend from customers - are you ready to get your share

Amazon, known as the B2C marketplace of choice, also happens to have the largest cloud marketplace position as well: the AWS Marketplace, where ISVs sell solutions to AWS customers. AWS Cloud committed spend reached a whopping $157.7 billion in Q1 2024, with companies like Snowflake, Palo Alto Systems, and Splunk generating over $1 billion in sales from AWS Marketplace alone.

Hyperscalers like AWS are investing billions of dollars to scale their third-party cloud marketplaces, enabling software providers to list applications that sit on top of hyperscaler infrastructure. 

This channel of purchasing through cloud marketplaces like the AWS Marketplace is fast becoming the preferred method for buyers and sellers due to its streamlined processes that positively impact selling cycles. In fact, Forrester found that sellers on the AWS Marketplace are able to close deals 50% faster.  

What makes Invisory different?

We believe success on AWS Marketplace (and others) takes more than just listing and hoping.  Success requires a dedicated go-to-market strategy that speaks specifically to Amazon’s internal teams and their broad customer audience. 

Invisory’s marketplace ecosystem experts & platform guide you to list, transact and co-sell across Azure, AWS, Google and Salesforce Marketplaces with a GTM strategy for lasting success. 

Maximize your AWS Marketplace GTM strategy with Invisory's platform

Fast-Track Listing

Invisory’s pre-built APIs allow you to quickly launch on the AWS Marketplace. List in days (instead of weeks or months) – and without tapping into your technical resources.

Enable Your Team

Partnership selling is a team sport. Build internal champions of sales, procurement, executives and more with playbooks designed for organizational selling.

Simplify Selling & Procurement

Customize private offers, streamline metering, customize billing options and reduce procurement overhead to speed up the sales and accounts receivable processes.

Stand Out

Invisory will help you stand out in a sea of apps. With our guidance, you will develop your unique value proposition & better together story, while creating a strategy to become a partner AWS sellers WANT to call back.

Access Benefits

Invisory will guide you through the ‘dark art’ of marketplace incentives. Tips on accessing committed spend, moving through the partnership ranks and more.

Master Your GTM Strategy

Moving from listing to lasting success with AWS requires a stellar GTM strategy. Invisory’s team of marketplace experts have created proprietary playbooks, templates and guides to success on multiple cloud marketplaces.

Contact our team today to set up an exploratory consultation call.

Still not sold on cloud marketplaces? Check out the advantages of selling on cloud marketplaces...

  • Access to committed spend

  • 42% deal acceleration

  • 32% Bigger deal size


Not to mention…

  • Faster procurement cycles 

  • Reduced administrative overhead

  • Access to AWS’s diverse and growing customer base 

Ready to unlock success?

Your guide to the AWS Marketplace

  • What is AWS Marketplace?

    AWS Marketplace is an online store where independent software vendors (ISVs), data providers, and consultants sell third-party software, services, and other digital products to Amazon Web Services customers. The AWS Marketplace is sometimes referred to as the AWS Cloud Marketplace. 

  • What can you buy on the AWS Marketplace?

    • Infrastructure software
    • Developer tools
    • Business software
    • Machine learning tools
    • IoT
    • Professional services
    • Desktop applications
    • Data products
  • Why should organizations buy through AWS Marketplace?

    AWs Marketplace makes the process of procuring software and invoicing seamless. By buying through the marketplace, existing AWS customers can find solutions that solve their unique pain points. Customers are billed on their regular AWS invoice, which drastically reduces the chance of late or missed payments. Solutions on the AWS Marketplace have been vetted by AWS’s strict requirements, which makes them more trusted.

  • AWS Marketplace benefits

    • Easy software delivery 
    • Streamlined procurement 
    • Flexible pricing and terms (pay-as-you-go, long-term commitment plans, private offers, and flexible pay schedules)
    • Control and governance
    • Access a wide range of solutions designed for many industries 
    • Simplified billing, collections, disbursements, and tax collections 
    • Growth through consulting partners 
    • Seamless integrations with APIs
  • Who uses the AWS Marketplace?

    With 310K+ active customers, 4,000+ ISVs, and 2.5 Million active subscriptions, the AWS Marketplace is home to 15,000+ products and services used by organizations across every sector, from government to retail. AWS Marketplace is also home to 1,300+ channel partner.

  • Industry solution categories on AWS Marketplace

    • Advertising and marketing
    • Energy
    • Engineering, construction, and real estate
    • Financial services
    • Healthcare
    • Industrial
    • Life services
    • Media and entertainment 
    • Non-profit 
    • Public sector
    • Public health 
    • Retail
    • Sustainability 
    • Telecommunications
  • Popular AWS Marketplace categories

    • Business applications
    • Data and analytics
    • DevOps
    • Infrastructure software
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Machine learning
    • Migration
    • Security 
    • AWS Control Tower
    • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
  • AWS Marketplace listing fees

    • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) – 3%
    • Server, including Amazon Machine Image (AMI), container, and machine learning – 20%
    • AWS Data Exchange – 3%
    • Private offers – 1.5-3% 
      • Less than $1M – 3%
      • Between $1M and less than $10M – 2%
      • Equal to or greater than $10M – 1.5%
      • All renewals – 1.5%
  • AWS Private Offers

    AWS Private offers allow ISVs to send a custom offer to customers on the AWS Marketplace Management Portal. You can extend the same private offer (same terms and pricing) for up to 25 accounts. Read more about AWS Marketplace Private offers here.

If you're thinking about getting co-sell ready and listing on AWS (or are already listed but failing to get the attention of AWS PDMs and AEs), that doesn't mean success won't come later. Cloud marketplace journeys are a marathon, not a sprint. Once listed, success depends on how you navigate the AWS ecosystem.

  • Become co-sell ready

    Ensure that your listed and that you have the right APIs to connect with AWS. If you're struggling with building an API, then working with a GTM platform like Invisory, which offers pre-built APIs, can be a good option.

  • Have a co-sell strategy

    Consider participating in an accelerator program like ISV Accelerate. Unless you're a major enterprise or a large company with a track record of success, you will need to participate in a program to get the attention of PAMs, who can later introduce you to AEs.

  • Mature your metrics

    If you're looking to impress your CRO and CFO, you will need to make sure your metrics and formalize the cloud marketplace channel. This requires tracking ROI on partner relationships, getting positive customer reviews, being top of mind for AWS AEs, and having a solution that helps AWS AEs sell more AWS solutions.